Friday, October 18, 2019

Sustainable Use of Gas in Israel Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 2

Sustainable Use of Gas in Israel - Assignment Example Since then, other deposits have been found on the shores of Israel along the Mediterranean Sea. Initially, all the gas deposits were for exportation, but since 2004, there has been an increase in the demand for gas within the local economy. Industries were growing and the energy demand of the country was rising. However, the extraction of gas has numerous effects on the environment. This is made worse by the fact that drilling of gas is done in the sea as this endangers the marine life. Most drilling companies do not adhere to the strict environmental regulations due to the offshore nature of this activity. However, in the recent past, there have been instances that have resulted in spillages in the sea and this has brought to light the activities of these offshore companies. The main role of this project is, therefore, to come up with a framework by which the gas companies can operate sustainable businesses by considering the impact that this industry has on the environment. The country of Israel is well endowed with natural resources. Most of this has been in the oil sector with the country having many refineries. In 2009, the Tamar natural gas deposits were found off the coast of Haifa, Israel. This discovery marked a major turnaround in the energy sector for Israel (Cohn 2010). The Tamar gas fields are one of the largest natural gas deposits in the world and have the potential to meet all the energy requirements of Israel for the next 20 or 30 years. This was however only the beginning because in the next year there was the discovery of several other deposits in Leviathan and Tanin. The Leviathan deposit is twice as big as the Tamar deposit. This marked a major shift in the fortunes of Israel as it begun to exploit these natural resources. The location of Israel next to the major oil producers in the world had not helped it meet its energy demand given the hostile relations between Israel and most of these nations.  

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